Thursday, April 19, 2012

moonbeam, day 18

hi. we didn't do much today. we went to the pool and then after we were there for about an hour and 30 minutes, chris and his daughter (can't say her name: instant ipad spellcheck) came to the pool. we were hungry (me and my mom) so we went home and ate. then me and the daughter played while my mom skyped her friend. that's all.


the mountains
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Hola Moonbeam and Liberty! Great meeting you both in Nicaragua. Enjoy the rest of your 20 days. Great blog! Liberty you are such a cool little person, thanks for the laughs...."knock,knock....Yoga...Yo girl wassup!!" haha

    Roman "Romeo" Taijeron

    1. Romeo!!!!!!!!!!! It was great to meet you! We are sad to see you guys leave! :( Have a great time in Belize and feel free to use my knock knock joke as much as you want. ;) Teoma
